Loyalty Reward
Are you a frequent shooter at Emerald Girl Group Shoots or Workshops? Paying participants who attend our shoots/workshops for two consecutive months are eligible for FREE advertising for the remainder of the calendar year in Emerald Lifestyle Magazine!
Shoot the Cover
Did you get a fantastic shot at an Emerald Girl Shoot/Workshop? Submit it for a chance to be the next cover of Emerald Lifestyle Magazine!
Published Gallery Contest
Once a month, Emerald Lifestyle Magazine will celebrate one of the photographers who has been a paying participant at an Emerald Girl group shoot or workshop by publishing a nine shot gallery of their work!
Sponsored Ad Contest
Certain Emerald Girl Shoots/Workshops are sponsored by businesses that wish to advertise in Emerald Lifestyle Magazine. Paying/participating photographers at those shoots are invited to submit their best shot of the day for a chance to be published as an ad for that business. The chosen photographer also gets a FREE three month logo ad in Emerald Lifestyle Magazine!
Photo Contests and Rewards!